Thursday, January 14, 2010

Starting up a Blog (afresh)...

Starting a module blog (afresh*) and did not want to use the NUS blog space, so I chose to use blogspot instead. Actually, had been thinking for a while about doing this although I did not really start. But lecture 1 of UIT2201 this semester and the comments and questions from the students after that help pushed me to do this.

Initially, this will be largely a UIT2201 blog (blog for UIT2201 students and staff and I encourage and welcome comments and follow-up from students in UIT2201, present and past). However, over time, it will also be a blog about my teaching, courses, and outreach workshops and talks.

So, now it is off to start putting in messages...

Regards, --hon-wai
* Some of you saw my previous module-blog back in 2008 that was discontinued (no longer supported).

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