Saturday, January 16, 2010

UIT2201: Lecture 2 (Week 2)

Lecture 2 (Week 2), 19-Jan-2010

Please read ahead for next lecture -- ppt for Topic 1 (Introduction), and under Topic 2 (Fun Stuff, the Tourist Problem). Enjoy and see everyone next week.

So, I covered the Introductory lecture, talked about the capable computer, one-data, multiple-views, and told the "computer-science-shampoo" joke. Also, used Scratch to illustrate algorithms for summing 1-to-100, and the story of Gauss and his formula.

Then, in the second part, we did a fast-track version of "The Tourist Problem". There is a separate blog entry on this. We did not quite finish it and we left it at a good point where the students can do some reflecting on their own.

For-fun: I collected all the origami pieces done by the students (UIT2201 Sp2010) and took a picture of it. And the result was the above -- the "Origami Collection for UIT2201 Spring 2010".

OK, it's now over to all of you students (UIT2201) to post questions, seek clarification, post follow-up discussion (for example, the one on "ant behaviour" raised by Zhou Zhong [ZZ: Please help post it as comments to this blog entry.])

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